Mixed SLICE boxes NOW available in OFFICEWORKS. View the range >>


We were very excited to unveil our new look SLICE packaging in Jan 2024 and based on feedback we have received it’s going over a treat.

Given the interest in our packaging, we thought that we would take the opportunity to ‘unpack the packaging’ 👀


Our team went to great lengths, working with our supply partners to ensure our new packaging ticked as many boxes ✅ ✅ ✅ as possible. We needed to ensure our snacks stayed as fresh as possible BUT also achieved our key aim  -  reducing our carbon footprint.

Take a bit of a look at the back of pack next time you pick up a slice or two (no judgment here).. but what does it all mean?

Springhill Farm is a proud APCO member (nope, not the petrol and convenience chain in Victoria, although [shameless plug]… you can get your SLICE and boodles fix at APCOs when you stop for a refuel) – the APCO we're talking about is the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation. APCO is the body that drives Australian brands and manufacturing towards the 2025 National Sustainable Packaging targets The Government handed down, and they help define the pathway for how Australia will manage it's packaging waste.

As part of our Sustainable Packaging Initiative, we took a deep dive on our current packaging; we wanted to find ways to improve and meet these targets. We then worked with our key partners on the best solution to meet our packaging needs. We needed to find a wrapper that was not only as sustainable as possible, but that could protect our snacks from the elements, and that could work in our factory… spoiler alert – we did it. 🥳🎉


We also realised that there was no point changing our packaging if we didn't let consumers know how to dispose of our wrappers.

That’s why we have included ARL labelling across all our SLICE consumer packaging – these logos are recognised Australia-wide and inform consumers the best way to dispose of any wrapping. Currently all our SLICE packaging has a ‘Check Local’ logo – this is similar to the previous RED Cycle logo 

This is really one of the first steps 🔎 on our packaging sustainability journey, but a big one- you can now snack happier knowing that our SLICE not only taste great but their packaging can enter the recycling stream.